Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Animal Sanctuary

We went to the  Farm Sanctuary  in Orland last weekend and spent a beautiful day there. It was so serene. All the animals had been rescued from abusive owners or the slaughterhouse. This is where the happy cows really live in California.

I'd never seen a turkey this magnificent before. 
Beatrix and her cousins had so much fun. Her outfit was comprised of various gifts so I'm not sure of their sources.

The sheep were not as friendly as the goats. I spent quite a bit of time feeding the goats grass. They were incredibly sweet and welcoming. My outfit is a  dress that I found while on vacation in Mendocino. I have amazing memories of wearing it on our recent trip. We watched the sunrise which is was rare and incredible experience for me. The leggings are American Apparel.
Lucas the pig was huge and also very friendly. He, like many of the animals had barely escaped being someone's dinner.



  1. Oh so heartbreaking and lovely all at once! So glad you posted this, very smile inspiring.

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Spring Shabby Apple Dress giveaway

  2. you're so right... that turkey head is so pretty, lol! he matches your dress :)

  3. Amazing dress, the colors are so cool! Oh wow, what an amazing place! I love that picture of Bea running!

  4. Ohhhhh Beatrix gets cuter by the second. I like your bright rainbow vibe!

  5. I love everything about this post! Mendocino dress to the happy animals, love this! <3 <3 <3

  6. Your daughter is adorable ♥ she reminds me a bit of Suri Cruise, but Bea is even nicer!
    Btw, I love the dress you're wearing.

    PS. I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award :)

  7. Oh my gosh, your daughter is BEAUTIFUL! Also, this outfit is so perfect. I love the scenery. You definitely stand out! :)


  8. oh no good luck with the camera situation

  9. This sounds like such a cool place, and you and Bea both look adorable in your dresses :)

  10. Love the dress. So much fun. What a fun way to spend the day!! Oh, and your daughter is adorable!!

  11. It makes me feel so upset when I realise what some animals are subjected to. I loved that rainbow dress you were wearing!

    From Dolly

  12. Ahw the little girl is so cute!!!

    I love your blog.
    Do you want to follow me too?

  13. It seems to be such a quite place :). I'd love it! And the girl, aww ^^
    What a rare animal there! o_o

  14. Hi sis. Just checked out your blog today. Very nice. Glad we went on our trip to the farm.


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.

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