Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Spring

Tyler Gourley
JFD Photography
Anthony Kearn
I don't have a ton of new work up but here is a little I've been able to do in my spare time. I love how early spring starts in Sacramento. Just wanted to do a quick post so I don't completely neglect my blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


shirt:(both)crossroads, jeans:am appy
Had a spectacular day of exploring and also got in some photography and an outfit post! It has been much too long! I love doing photo shoots with my husband because I am very comfortable around him and therefore more creative modeling. I never have much to say on my blog. Perhaps I should change that. I haven't been thrifting as much lately and so tend to go to consignment shops that are a little higher priced but have a better selection when I get a chance to shop. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Here are some of the photos I took by the river with Tessa who is absolutely gorgeous. I need to shoot more so any locals hit me up for photos.My best day is Wednesday for photo shoots. I have been quite busy between art modeling and school but really want to do an outfit post soon. I've been doing a lot of dance inspired shoots which are really fun.
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